Effects of Reheating Duration on the Microstructures and Tensile Properties of Thixoforged In Situ M

来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mypika
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The influences of reheating duration on microstructures and tensile properties of thixoforged in situ Mg2Sip/AM60 B composites have been investigated. The results indicate that the reheating time affects the volume fraction,composition and distribution of the liquid phase, the evolution of the liquid pools within the primary particles, and the morphology and distribution of the Mg2 Si particles of the semisolid feedstock. These changes then affect the subsequent solidification behavior and deformation mechanism during thixoforging, which are responsible for the resulting microstructure and tensile properties. Mg2 Si particles play a strengthening role for the matrix through the load transfer mechanism. The appropriate reheating time is 60 min at 600 °C when the mold preheating temperature is at 300 °C. The ultimate tensile strength and elongation of the resulting composite are up to 209 MPa and 11.9%, respectively. The influences of reheating duration on microstructures and tensile properties of thixoforged in situ Mg2Sip / AM60 B composites have been investigated. The results indicate that the reheating time affects the volume fraction, composition and distribution of the liquid phase, the evolution of the liquid pools within the primary particles, and the morphology and distribution of the Mg2 Si particles of the semisolid feedstock. These changes then affect the subsequent solidification behavior and deformation mechanism during thixoforging, which are responsible for the resulting microstructure and tensile properties. The appropriate reheating time is 60 min at 600 ° C when the mold preheating temperature is at 300 ° C. The ultimate tensile strength and elongation of the resulting composite are up to 209 MPa and 11.9% , respectively
2009年1月2日,阴沉沉的天空阴霾密布,气温降至零下5度。  西安火车站的客流并不多,王昌杰和他的7个老乡蜷缩着蹲坐在寒风凛冽的广场护栏旁,地上堆放着用编织袋包裹着的行李,还有几个方便面空盒子。他们是上午刚刚乘坐1151次列车从杭州到达西安的,准备从这里转车回凤县老家。  离开杭州前,王昌杰已经有两个月没有工作了,只是因为厂里还欠着工资,他就一直等在那里。  在这个寒冷的冬季,成千上万在东部沿海