在《中国近代现代历史》上册《第二次鸦片战争》一节中,揭露、抨击英法殖民者火烧圆明园的罪恶是对学生进行爱国主义教育的良好契机。在讲此问题时,老师做了精心地准备,一方面饱含深情地叙述圆明园的价值,如它是清王朝在150余年间,历经雍正、乾隆、嘉庆、道光、咸丰五代皇帝,创建经营的一座大型皇家园林,也是一座中西建筑艺术的宝库和各种珍宝的集中地等;另一方面又义愤填膺地对侵略者的罪恶行径进行揭露,并引用了法国作家雨果的话: 一天,两个强盗走进了圆明园,一个抢掠,一个放火。可以说,胜利是偷盗者的胜利,……这两个胜利者一个装
In the section entitled “The Second Opium War” in the “Modern History of Modern China” section, exposing and criticizing the evils of the British and French colonists burning the Yuanmingyuan was a good opportunity for students to educate them on patriotism. When speaking about this issue, the teacher made meticulous preparations. On the one hand, she narrated the value of the Yuanmingyuan with affectionateness. For example, it was a business created by the Emperor of the Five Dynasties of Yongzheng, Qianlong, Jiaqing, Daoguang and Xianfeng during the more than 150 years of the Qing Dynasty. The large imperial garden is also a treasure house of Chinese and Western architectural art and the concentration of various treasures. On the other hand, it exposes indignantly the criminal acts of the invaders and quotes the French writer Hugo: One day, two robbers walk Into the Summer Palace, a looting and an arson. It can be said that victory is the triumph of the thief,...the two victors are equipped