Sky Engineering是一家总部位于新加坡的精密工程公司,曾因劳动力成本上涨和劳动力管理的复杂化而面临着巨大挑战。长期以来,该公司一直在积极努力尝试降低生产成本。如今,他们通过在数控机床中使用Universal Robots(优傲机器人,简称“UR”)而成功解决了长期困扰他们的难题。由于UR机器人易于集成到已有生产设备中,因此现在只需要一名工作人员便可随时操控两台数控机床———这在过去是仅靠人力根本无法实现的工作。
Sky Engineering, a Singapore-based precision engineering company, has faced enormous challenges as its labor costs have risen and workforce management has become more complex. For a long time, the company has been actively trying to reduce production costs. Today, they have successfully solved the long-standing problems that plague them by using Universal Robots in CNC machine tools. Because UR robots are easy to integrate into existing production equipment, it now takes only one worker to be able to control two CNC machines at any time - something that was in the past simply human-impossible.