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德育资源是指有利于实现德育目标的各种因素,它包括文本、音像、网络、社区、人力等各种资源。传统德育忽视开发利用德育资源,致使德育方式单一、手段陈旧,单纯的“理论灌输”和“单向说教”难以引起学生的兴趣,学生普遍感到厌烦、乏味,其教学效果必然低下。因此,要提高德育实效,就必须改变德育方式,并开发和利用各种德育资源,使德育活动丰富多样,多姿多彩。近年来,我们结合本校的具体情况,对德育资源的开发利用进行了多方面的探索与实践,取得较好的成效。一、以开发德育校本课程为切入点,大力开发德育文本资源导致传统德育低效的原因是多方面的。要改变这一状况,就必须寻求一种能对各种弊端进行综合治理的方法。如果 Moral education resources refer to various factors conducive to the realization of moral education goals. They include texts, audiovisuals, networks, communities, and human resources. Traditional moral education ignores the development and utilization of moral education resources, resulting in a single and outdated way of moral education. The simple “theory indoctrination” and “one-way preaching” are difficult to arouse students’ interest. Students are generally bored and boring, and their teaching effect is bound to be low. . Therefore, to improve the effectiveness of moral education, we must change the way of moral education, and develop and use a variety of moral education resources, so that the moral education activities are rich, varied and colorful. In recent years, we have carried out many explorations and practices on the development and utilization of moral education resources in conjunction with the specific conditions of our school and achieved good results. First, the development of moral education school-based curriculum as a starting point, vigorously develop the text of moral education resources, resulting in the inefficiency of traditional moral education, there are many reasons. To change this situation, we must find a way to comprehensively deal with various drawbacks. in case
女儿丹丹因为嘴馋,在社区里大名鼎鼎。一次,一个小男孩正在吃棒棒糖,女儿看到了,急忙走过去,一言不发、垂涎欲滴地盯着人家吃完才回来。还有一次,我带她去散步,迎面走来一个十八九岁的女孩,津津有味地啃着熟玉米。小家伙立刻故态复萌,眼睛直勾勾地盯着,不知不觉还把自己的小手放进了嘴里。馋嘴的女儿经常让我在朋友面前面红耳赤,尴尬不已。  女儿这么嘴馋有失教养,必须改一改。于是,全家召开大会商定,每位大人尤其是
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