Prehospital first aid refers to the process of on-site rescue, guardianship and delivery before the wounded and sick are sent to the hospital (usually the patient’s place of residence) and is an important part of the medical and health undertaking and the social security system. Due to the incomplete system and policy and related legislation in the practice of first aid, there are still some serious threats to the personal and property rights of patients. Legislation in the protection of patients ’rights has many problems such as ambiguous definition of civil rights, infringement of patient’s right of privacy and unprotected patient’s right to know, and there are still some limitations on the legislation of patients’ mental compensation, patient’s privacy and right to information. Limitations have caused a significant infringement of the rights of patients during first aid. By analyzing the pre-hospital emergency legislative practice and legislative ideas in European countries, it provides a good reference for strengthening and improving relevant policies on the rights of patients in first aid.