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周政办[2009]13号各县(市、区)人民政府,市人民政府各部门:《2009年周口林业生态市建设实施意见》已经市政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真组织实施。二○○九年二月十二日周口市2009年林业生态市建设实施意见为全面落实河南省林业生态建设任务,提升我市造林绿化水平,推进社会主义新农村建设,实现全市经济社会可持续发展,特制定本意见。一、指导思想和目标任务 Zhou Zheng Ban [2009] No. 13 All counties (cities, districts) People’s governments and municipal people’s government departments: “Opinions on the Implementation of Ecological Construction in Zhoukou in 2009” have been approved by the municipal government and are hereby issued to you. Please conscientiously organize the implementation. February 12, 2009 Opinions on the Implementation of Forestry Eco-city Construction in Zhoukou in 2009 In order to fully implement the tasks of forestry eco-construction in Henan Province, enhance the afforestation and greening level of our city, promote the construction of a new socialist countryside and realize the sustainable economic and social development of the city Development, special formulation of this opinion. First, the guiding ideology and objectives and tasks
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