第一章总则第一条中国铁道工程建设协会为了密切与会员单位以及会员单位之间的联系,及时沟通政府部门、会员单位信息交流,更好地发挥“双向服务”的桥梁、纽带作用,提高协会工作效率,决定组织通讯联络网(以下简称 “通联网”),建立通讯员(以下简称“通讯员”)组织,特制定本章程。第二条通联网由通讯员组成,是协会与会员单位、会员单位与会员单位之间交流和传递信息、建立经常性联系的重要渠道。
Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 The China Railway Engineering Construction Association shall, in order to closely connect with the member units and the member units, timely communicate information exchange between the government departments and member units and give better play to the bridge and link of “two-way service” , Improve the work efficiency of the association, decided to organize the communications network (hereinafter referred to as “the network”), the establishment of correspondent (hereinafter referred to as “correspondent ”) organization, specially formulated this charter. The second communication network by the correspondent, is the association and the member units, member units and member units to exchange and transmit information, establish an important channel of regular contact.