In the past 30 years, global dry R & D activities showed a rapid growth trend. Although thermal drying is an important unitary operation in almost all major industrial sectors, dry-based and industrial-use research began to emerge only after the energy crisis of the early 1970s. Oil prices subsequently dropped, but the importance of improving drying operations to save energy, improve product quality and reduce environmental impact has been recognized; this has been reinforced in recent years. New drying technologies, better operating practices and dryer control strategies, advanced and reliable amplification methods have helped to produce low-cost and high-quality dry products. Since there is no universal theory of drying, most dry mathematical models are only suitable for specific products and equipment. This article will discuss the role of innovation in various industrial dry sectors such as paper, timber, agricultural products, waste, etc., outline the progress and challenges in drying research over the past 30 years, and point out some areas for drying that require continued research efforts. Through the mathematical model to strengthen the dryer design innovation, also stressed that the close interaction between academia and industry is the key to the success of dry R & D in the next 10 years.