如果有人要我例数三位本世纪美国最伟大的作曲家,我想我会投艾林顿公爵一票。你或许会对这种说法嗤之以鼻,认为我是一个唐突的家伙,至少是太过标新立异了。要是你真这样想,说明你对爵士乐还是完全的门外汉。1999年的4月29日,艾林顿公爵100岁冥诞生日,全美国的电台都在播放“公爵”的音乐、歌曲。就在这一天,艾林顿公爵被授予普立策终生成就奖,以表彰他对艺术和文化的贡献。艾林顿公爵1899年生于华盛顿一个中产家庭,他的父亲、祖父都有一份受人尊敬的职业,这样的出生背景,使他从一开始就和那些混迹于 Pub 的艺
If someone asks me to count three of the greatest composers in the United States this century, I think I will vote for the Duke of Ellington. You may scoff at this statement, thinking that I am a rude guy, or at least too unconventional. If you really think so, explain your jazz or a complete layman. On April 29, 1999, Duke Alington was born on the eve of his 100th birthday. All U.S. stations broadcast “Duke” music and songs. It was on this day that Duke Alrington was awarded the Purcell Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his contribution to the arts and culture. Duke of Ellington was born in 1899 in Washington, a middle-class family, his father, grandfather has a respected career, so the background of his birth, so that he from the beginning and those who removed from the Pub art