
来源 :水土保持通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:playallprogram
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平顶山市位于河南省中部,淮河水系的沙河、汝河和澧河的源头地段,地势西高东低。西部山地由秦岭东延的外方山和伏牛山组成,中部是丘陵和岗地,东部是平原,里扇形阶梯状由西向东展开。全市辖属三县(鲁山、宝丰、叶县)和五区(舞钢区、郊区、西区、新华区、卫东区)。平顶山市水土流失情况,自五十年代由国家进行过一次统计调查后,至今再未进行过全面调查。因此查清水土流失现状,为中央有关部门、淮委和省、市制订水土保持规划提供依据,是当务之急。1984年夏末到秋冬,我们对平顶山市水土流失现状进行了一次实地调查,现将调查情况综述如下。 Pingdingshan City is located in the central part of Henan Province, the Huaihe River Shahe, Ruhe and Bahe source of the lot, the topography of the East West low. Western mountain by the Qinling Mountains and Funiu Mountain eastward extension of composition, the central hills and hills, the eastern part of the plain, the fan-shaped staircase from west to east. The city belongs to three counties (Lushan, Baofeng, Ye County) and five districts (Wugang area, the suburbs, the western region, Xinhua District, Wei East). The situation of soil and water loss in Pingdingshan has not been investigated thoroughly since the state carried out a statistical survey in the 1950s. Therefore, it is imperative to find out the current situation of soil and water loss and provide the basis for the relevant departments of the Central Government, the Huai River Committee and the formulation of water and soil conservation plans by the provinces and municipalities. From late summer to late autumn and winter of 1984, we conducted a field survey on the status quo of soil and water loss in Pingdingshan City. The survey is summarized as follows.
[摘 要] 数学概念对数学来说至关重要。通过分析数学概念教学的现状,可以发现许多问题。通过在日常教学中的总结积累,获得切实可行的数学概念的教学方法。  [关 键 词] 数学概念;教学方法;认知规律  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2017)10-0135-01  一、数学概念的三个特点及其教学的重要性  数学概念反映的是现实世界中的空间形式和数量关