苏珊·桑塔格(Susan Sontag,1933-2004)是美国当代著名文艺批评家、作家、公共知识分子,她关注现实世界中有才华的女性与她们在生活、工作中的遭遇之间的关系。桑塔格的长篇小说《在美国》(In America,1999)中极具表演天赋的女主人公玛琳娜·扎兰斯卡(Maryna Zalewska)及其情人分别以美国著名波兰裔演员海伦娜·莫得耶斯卡(Helene Modjeska,1840-1909)和1905年诺贝尔文学奖获得者亨利克·显克维支(Henryk·Sienkiewica,1846-1916)为原型,在桑塔格的自由创作下,体现出玛琳娜作为女性,在人生的两大要事(事业与婚姻)的选择上,勇于追求自我世界的自由。
Susan Sontag (1933-2004) is a famous American contemporary literary critic, writer and public intellectual. She focuses on the relationship between talented women in the real world and their experiences in life and work . Maryna Zalewska, a highly performing talent in Sonnet’s novel In America (1999), and her lover, respectively, are famous American-born actor Helena Moore Helene Modjeska (1840-1909) and 1905 Nobel Prize winner Henryk Sienkiewica (1846-1916) as the prototype, in Sontag’s free creation, reflected Out of Marlene as a woman, in the two major events in life (career and marriage) choice, the courage to pursue the freedom of the self-world.