在巴布亚新几内亚岛,艾纳香属植物Blumea arfakiana的叶子作为传统药用于治疗胃痛、虫咬和贫血症等,此种植物的化学成分以前未见报道。作者从该植物叶子的石油醚-乙醚提取物中经硅胶柱层析反复分离得到豆甾醇、β-桉醇和七个倍半萜内酯类成分,经光谱鉴定后分别为桉叶油内酯类化合物Graniline(1~4)、艾纳香内酯blumealactone C(5)、艾纳香去乙酰基内酯deacetyl-blumealactone(6)和艾纳香去氧内酯deoxy-blumealactone(7)。药理实验表明,在已得到的化合物中,β-桉醇能够降低血压,降低中枢神
In Papua New Guinea, the leaves of the genus Blumea arfakiana are used as traditional medicines for the treatment of stomach pains, insect bites, and anemia. The chemical composition of this plant has not been previously reported. The author isolated the estosyl alcohol, β-sterols and seven sesquiterpene lactones from the petroleum ether-ether extract of the plant leaves by silica gel column chromatography. The spectrum was identified as eucalyptus oil lactones. Compounds Graniline (1-4), lenamerolactone blumealactone C (5), deacetyl-blumealactone (6) and deoxy-blumealactone (7). Pharmacological experiments have shown that β-sterols can lower blood pressure and reduce central nervous system