The object of study is adult inhabitants of the islands of South Kalimantan and West Flores. The former is a malaria-endemic area, but residents are not found spleen; filariasis sub-type Malay worm-based. The latter is the endemic line of Banjul and Timothy filariasis, suffering from tropical splenomegaly syndrome (TSS) patients more. In the trial, neither filariasis nor malaria patients and patients with chronic obstructive filariasis (elephantiasis or hydrocele) in the acute phase were included in the statistics, as the proportion of T-cell subpopulations in these patients had changed significantly. The authors isolated monocytes from heparin anticoagulant using Ficoll-UDH gradient centrifugation. And with the total number of leukocytes in vitro and count the number of counts per cubic millimeter of blood in the shower