OA是Office Automation的缩写(即办公自动化),是本世纪70年代中期发达国家迅速兴起的一门综合性技术。它以先进科学技术武装办公系统,达到提高效率,提高管理水平,使办公系统达到信息灵通、管理方便、决策正确的目的。 政府机关根据不同的任务和职能可以分为决策层(领导班子)、管理层(中层干部)和执行层(主任科员以下人员)三个层次。OA走向集成化、多媒体化、无纸化和智能化的趋势,必将对政府的行政管理活动产生积极影响并被应用。
OA is the acronym for Office Automation (ie, office automation), developed rapidly in the mid-1970s in developed countries a comprehensive technology. It argues that the office system should be armed with advanced science and technology to achieve the goal of improving efficiency and raising management levels so that the office system can be well-informed, well-managed and has the correct decision-making. According to different tasks and functions, government agencies can be divided into three levels: decision-making level (leading body), management (middle-level cadres) and executive level (officers and staff below). OA towards integration, multi-media, paperless and intelligent trend will certainly have a positive impact on the government’s administrative activities and be applied.