从作用距离、阳光效应和温度适应性等三个方面完成了LED用作标志灯发光器件可行性的理论分析。使用最低照度 0 0 2lx和中等分辨率摄像机做观测设备 ,辐射功率为 6mW的LED的作用距离可以远至 1 5km。实验结果验证了理论分析的正确性
From the role of distance, the effect of the sun and temperature adaptability and other three completed LED as a marker light emitting device feasibility of the theoretical analysis. Using the minimum illumination of 0 0 2lx and medium resolution cameras as observing equipment, the radiated power of 6mW LED can range up to 15km. The experimental results verify the correctness of the theoretical analysis