全国第十届运动会于10月12日-10月23日在江苏举行,此次运动会是历届全运会中规模最大、项目最多、参加人数最多的一次运动会,有54个比赛场馆承担比赛项目,场馆分布在全省13个省辖市、9个县 (市、区)和6所高校,共有27辆(套)转播系统进行赛事电视公共信号的制作,除少数比赛项目受客观条件限制外,其余赛事信号全部实时传送至+运会 IBC 播控中心。十运会 IBC 播控中心设在江苏科学宫(江苏电视
The 10th National Games was held on October 12 - October 23 in Jiangsu. The Games, one of the largest and most prestigious Games in the history of the National Games, participated in a large number of games. There were 54 competition venues undertaking the competitions, The venues are distributed in 13 provincial cities, 9 counties (cities and districts) and 6 colleges and universities in the province. There are totally 27 broadcasting systems for the production of public television signals of the tournament. Except for a few tournaments subject to objective conditions, The rest of the event signals are all sent in real time to the + IBC IBC broadcast control center. National Games IBC broadcast control center is located in Jiangsu Science Palace (Jiangsu TV