目的:修订中国士兵人格问卷(Chinese Soldier Personality Questionnaire,CSPQ)维吾尔语版,并考察其在维吾尔族应征青年群体中的效度和信度。方法:将全部条目编成双向细目表,请专家按条目归属进行逐条评判,以检验内容效度;选取维吾尔族聚居区常住人口101名(正常人组)及处于住院治疗缓解期的精神分裂症患者102名进行施测(样本1),用于区分效度检验。选取维吾尔族应征青年460名进行施测(样本2),用于分量表正态分布分析和内部一致性信度检验;3周后,对乌鲁木齐市民族干部学院中的118名学员进行重测(样本3),检验重测信度。结果:修订后的维吾尔语版CSPQ包含283个条目8个分量表,专家评定各分量表归类认可率在74.6%~91.5%之间,精神分裂症患者组的各分量表得分均高于正常人组。问卷8个分量表的内部一致性信度在0.69~0.91之间,重测信度在0.85~0.92之间。结论:修订后的中国士兵人格问卷维吾尔语版具有良好的效度和信度,可以作为维吾尔族应征青年心理检测的有效工具。
OBJECTIVE: To revise the Uyghur version of the Chinese Soldier Personality Questionnaire (CSPQ) and to examine its validity and reliability in Uygur youth recruits. Methods: All the items were compiled into a two-way breakdown table, experts were asked to attribute the items one by one to test the validity of the content. The 101 Uygur residents were selected as the resident population (normal group) and schizophrenia 102 patients were tested (sample 1) to distinguish between validity tests. A total of 460 Uygur young volunteers were selected for test (sample 2) for the normal distribution analysis and internal consistency reliability test. Three weeks later, 118 trainees from Urumqi Nationalities Cadre Institute were retested Sample 3), test retest reliability. Results: The revised Uyghur version of CSPQ contained 8 subscales of 283 items. The classification rates of expert subscales ranged from 74.6% to 91.5%, and scores of schizophrenic patients were higher than normal People group. Questionnaire 8 subscales internal consistency reliability of 0.69 ~ 0.91 between the retest reliability of 0.85 to 0.92. Conclusion: The revised Uyghur version of the Chinese soldier personality questionnaire has good validity and reliability, which can be used as an effective tool for psychological examination of Uygur young people.