Carrot is Back萝卜回来了

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  冬天到了,森林里找不到食物了,怎么办呢?一个“萝卜”,把四个好朋友的爱心串联起来。让我们来感受故事带来的温暖与感动吧!Let’s read the story.
  Little Rabbit lives in a forest.
  It is winter now. There is no food.
  She is very hungry(饥饿的).
  Little Rabbit is looking for (寻找) food.
  She finds two carrots (萝卜).
  She’s very happy.
  “It is so cold. Little Monkey is hungry, too. I’ll give him one carrot.” Little Rabbit says.
  Little Rabbit goes to Little Monkey’s house.
  But Little Monkey isn’t at home.
  Little Rabbit puts the carrot at the door.
  And she goes away.
  Little Monkey is looking for food, too.
  He finds some peanuts(花生).
  He is very happy.
  Little Monkey goes home.He finds a carrot at the door.
  “Oh, one of my friends gives me the carrot. It is so cold. Little Deer is hungry, too. I’ll give her the carrot.” Little Monkey says.
  Little Monkey goes to Little Deer’s house.
  But Little Deer isn’t at home.
  Little Monkey puts the carrot at the door.
  And he goes away.
  Little Deer is looking for food, too.
  She finds a cabbage(大白菜).
  Little Deer is very happy.
  Little Deer goes home. She finds a carrot at the door.
  “Oh, one of my friends gives me the carrot. It is so cold. Little Bear is hungry, too. I’ll give him the carrot.” Little Deer says.
  Little Deer goes to Little Bear’s house.
  But Little Bear isn’t at home.
  Little Deer puts the carrot at the door.
  And she goes away.
  Little Bear is looking for food, too.
  He finds an apple.
  He is very happy.
  Little Bear goes home.
  He finds a carrot at the door.
  “Oh, one of my friends gives me the carrot. It is so cold. Little Rabbit is hungry, too. I’ll give her the carrot. She likes carrots.” Little Bear says.
  Little Bear goes to Little Rabbit’s house.
  Little Rabbit is sleeping(睡覺).
  Little Bear puts the carrot at the door and goes away.
  Little Rabbit wakes up(醒来).
  She finds a carrot at the door.
  The carrot is back!
  She smiles happily(开心地),“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
  1. 天气好冷啊,饥饿的小动物们都在野外寻找食物,他们各自找到了什么?请连线。
  2. 请根据故事情节,依次说出四个小动物互赠礼物的过程。
  3. 请和你的好朋友一起表演这个故事,并讨论:Why is the carrot back?
学 名:Polar bear  种 属:Bear Family  身 高:1.9-2.8 meters  体 重:150-800 kilos  居住地:the Arctic (北极)  食 譜:fish , seals (海豹) , walruses  (海象), whales(白鲸) ...  特 长:swim , dive (潜水)  Polar bear is the largest car
格林太太(Mrs. Green)和她的女儿苏珊(Susan)有一个快乐的农场。苏珊很爱小动物们,小鸡、小鸽子们每天都围着她转来转去。他们在农场里幸福生活。突然,“禽流感”打破了农场的平静……  农场里究竟会发生什么?他们的快乐会消失吗?这不,南京师范大学附属小学的同学们用他们的表演带我们走进A Happy Farm.  Place: Mrs. Green’s Farm  Time: Spring
By Raymond Briggs  Boom!  Bye,  kitty.  Bye,  doggie.  Run!  Blooming  snow!  Rain now!  What’s next?  Weather!  Oh, foggy!  Blooming  chimneys!  Blooming  soot!  Snow, ice,  frost, sleet,  hail, rain
The reindeer is laughing.  The bells are singing.  I give you my best wishes.  Merry Christmas!  Merry Christmas!
阅读提示  繪本《爱心树》讲述了一个十分温馨、感人的故事。一棵树和一个小男孩之间,有过许多的欢乐时光。小男孩长大以后,他向大树要的越来越多,而大树无私地给出了自己的所有:果实、枝叶、树干……  这棵爱心树,就像我们每个人的妈妈。小时候,我们在她的身上爬来爬去,和她捉迷藏,在她的怀抱里甜甜入睡。长大后,我们离开了家,她就在那里想念我们,并竭尽全力为我们的幸福付出所有。  母亲节的时候,请一定要对妈妈
“Shall I sing?” says the Lark,  “Shall I bloom?” says the Flower;  “Shall I come?” says the Sun,  “Or shall I?” says the Shower.  Sing your song, pretty Bird,  Roses, please bloom;  Shine on, dearest
I think everybody knows the Chinese story Hu Jia Hu Wei(《狐假虎威》). You know the fox cheated the tiger. When the tiger knew the truth, he felt very angry. He hated the fox very much. Can you imagine what
他们痛痛快快玩了一个下午。玩累了,回到家的时候——  Papa and mama blue said: “You’re not our little blue - you are green.”  And papa and mama yellow said: “You are not our little yellow - you are green.”这下子,怎么办呢?快来帮小蓝和小黄想想办法吧
学 名:Elaphurus davidianus  种 属:cervidae(鹿科)  身 高:1.9-2.8 meters  体 长:1.7-2.1 meters  体 重:120-180 kilos  居住地:swamp  食 譜:grass, leaves ...
大家都知道“守株待兔”的故事吧?今天,江蘇科技大学附属小学的师生们发挥聪明才智,将这一故事改编成了英语舞台剧,他们幽默、诙谐的表演,将让我们看到一出新版的“守株待兔”,一起去看看吧!  Characters:  Farmer 农夫, 史云舟 饰  Rabbit A 兔子A,范佩熙 饰  Rabbit B兔子B, 陈夏辉 饰  Tree A 树A, 翁梓宸 饰  Tree B 树B, 高阳 饰  F