Botero’s “Fat People” are like flying balloons and far from reality, and are animated and most times humorous, while Xu Hongfei’s “Fat Women” are realistic and it’s realistic to the extent which can almost oppress your nerves uneasy. Xu Feihong’s “Fat Women” are really common. In the ever busy streets and lifts for public use, the atmosphere is always stuffy due to crowdedness. Although you fail to feel it sometimes, that’s only because you are already used to these situations.
Botero’s “Fat People” are like flying balloons and far from reality, and are animated and most times humorous, while Xu Hongfei’s “Fat Women” are realistic and it’s realistic to the extent which can almost oppress your nerves uneasy. Xu Fei the’s “Fat Women” are really common. In the ever busy streets and lifts for public use, the atmosphere is always stuffy due to crowdedness. Although you fail to feel it sometimes, that’s only because you are already used to these situations.