歌舞讽刺喜剧 不该蹉跎的青春

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时间:近代地点:一个西方国度的小镇。人物:玛莉娜诗人傻青年富商显贵男女舞者若干[在欢快的《匈牙利舞曲》中幕启。这里是小镇的广场。一栋欧式风格的店铺搭置在舞台的右后侧。店前置放着一个拟人的“奶瓶”广告,上面醒目地写着“甜而酸的酸奶是爱情的味儿”。[显贵、富商和一群青年男女伴随着乐曲尽情地嬉戏舞蹈。[女声清唱(用意大利名歌《美丽的西班牙女郎》的音乐)“美丽的天使玛莉娜,人人都爱慕着她”的歌声,穿透舞曲从店铺内飞出。[伴随音乐的介入,店铺内翩然闪出身着布拉吉的玛莉娜。她搭手搂过“奶瓶”,翩翩然卖弄般继续演唱。玛莉娜(唱)就像这酸奶人们都夸,[男人们被玛莉娜的风骚弄得失魂落魄,如蚁附膻般纷纷向她聚拢而来;女人们则醋意大发地悻悻而去。众男(合唱)夸奖它甜酸味佳。玛莉娜(唱)美丽的天使玛莉娜,众男(合唱)酸奶浇灌的花,玛莉娜(唱)你这双迷人的眼睛,众男(合唱)把男人心儿来抓,玛莉娜(唱)啊,叽叽喳喳围住了我的家。显贵(领唱)啊,我多情的玛莉娜,众男(合唱)为我热情地歌唱吧!每天每夜我愿在你身旁。富商(领唱)啊,我多情的玛莉娜,众男(合唱)为我热情地歌唱吧![人群中一个傻呵呵的青年突然莽撞地冲上前抱住了玛莉娜。傻青年(鹦鹉学舌般结巴着清唱)我我我多情的玛莉娜,为为为我热情地歌唱吧![玛莉娜极其厌恶地奋力从傻青年怀中挣脱掉;傻青年傻呵呵地穷追不舍;众人哄然大笑。玛莉娜机智地将“奶瓶”推到傻青年的怀抱,傻青年若有所得地拥抱着“奶瓶”走向台口。这时我们看到“奶瓶”的背面醒目的写着“癞蛤蟆也想吃到天鹅肉!”傻青年(喜不自禁地)呵呵呵,多多情的玛莉娜……又又酸……又又甜做我老婆!(更加兴奋地继续用前面的旋律清唱)美美美丽的老婆啊,我我我想把你抱……抱进被窝![傻青年拥抱着“奶瓶”高兴而去;有人起哄地尾随其后。 Time: Modern Location: a small town in the West. People: Marinas poet silly young rich business men and women dance a number of [in the cheerful “Hungarian dance” in the curtain. Here is the town square. A European-style shop set up on the right rear of the stage. In front of the shop stood a personified “bottle” ad, prominently read “sweet and sour yogurt is the taste of love.” [Dignitaries, rich merchants and a group of young men and women enjoy playing and dancing with the music. [Female voice singing (beautiful Italian girl “Spanish music” music) “beautiful Angel Marina, everyone admires her” song, piercing the dance from the shop fly. [With the involvement of music, the store flashed inside the Blaggy Marina. She grabbed her “bottle” and continued to sing gracefully. Marilyn (Singing) Like this yogurt people all boast, [Men are confused by Marina’s confused soul-stirring, such as ants attached to her like to come together; women are jealous. Male (chorus) praise it sweet and sour good. Marian (singing) Beautiful angel Marina, all male (chorus) Yogurt irrigated flowers, Marina (singing) your this charming eyes, all men Na (singing) ah, Twitter surrounded my home. Dignified (lead singer) ah, I am passionate Marina, all male (chorus) singing for me warmly! Every day and night I would like to be at your side. Rich man (lead singer) ah, I am passionate Marina, all male (chorus) to sing for me warmly! [A silly young crowd suddenly rushed forward embraced Marina. Silly youth (parrot tongue-swiping singing) I me, my passionate Marina, to sing for me warmly! [Marina was extremely averse to struggling to get rid of silly youth arms; Silly silly youth chasing Not give up; the crowd laughed loudly. Marina marched her “bottle of milk” to the silly youth, and the silly youth embraced the “bottle of milk” toward the mouth of the mouth as she got. Then we see the back of the “bottle” eye-catching read “Toad also want to eat swans!” Silly youth (can not help but) Ha ha ha, lot of passion Marina ... and sour ... ... again Sweet to be my wife! (More excited to continue singing in front of the melody) Mei beautiful beautiful wife, I and I I want to hold you ... ... into the nest! [Silly youth embraced “bottle” happy to go; some people playfully Followed by.
随着温饱问题在我国的基本解决,人们的消费观念正在悄悄发生倾斜。 实用消费向美感消费倾斜 十年前,我国国民购物普遍看重的是实用,而今还要买个气派。换言之,把美带回家,把
凡是到过厄瓜多尔的人都会发现,无论你走到哪里,到处都可以闻到一阵阵扑鼻的香味。原来,这股香味是从路边烤豚鼠肉摊子上传来的。 豚鼠肉是厄瓜多尔人最爱吃的食品之一。除
《唐本草》云:“人间食葱……有冻葱,即经冬不死,分茎栽莳而无子也……入药冻葱最善,气味亦佳。”此即明言,葱,既可食用,又可入药,而且经冬不死,四季常青。 人们每天去菜场
我在德国学习时,和一个叫贝塔的法国女人住在一起。贝塔正在攻读博士学位,有一个5岁的儿子,名叫威廉。  有一天,我与贝塔在厨房里做饭。威廉坐在地板上,摇晃着他手中的储蓄罐,叮叮当当的,听起来里面已有不少零花钱了。  “嘿,威廉,你有多少钱了?”我问。  “五块六!”小家伙很自豪地说。  “哇,那你是个大富翁了!”  “我要在杰克哥哥来之前存满十块,这样我就是真正的大富翁了。”小家伙一脸认真。  “你
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