各自治州、市人民政府,各地区行署,省政府各部门、各直属机构: 1998年,全省各地各有关部门及各工业企业,认真贯彻落实国务院和省人民政府关于深入进行扭亏增盈工作、加快企业脱困的指示精神,深入开展“学邯钢、抓管理、增效益”活动,积极组织适销对路产品的生产和销售,千方百计克服市场疲软和增支减利因素的影响,认真落实扭亏增盈措施,努力增加盈利,降低亏损,较好地完成了1998年初省人民政府提出的各项扭亏增盈目标任务。1998年,全省独立核算国有工业企业(含国有控股企业)亏损额比上年下降2.2%,亏损企业亏损额占全部企业实现利税的比重比上年下降0.62%;地方预算内国有工业企业亏损额比上年
The autonomous prefectures and municipal people’s governments, regional administrative offices, provincial government departments, and directly-affiliated organizations: In 1998, all relevant departments and industrial enterprises across the province seriously implemented the work of the State Council and the provincial people’s government in order to carry out the work of turning losses into losses, Accelerate the spirit of instructions for enterprises to get out of difficulty and intensify the activities of “study the steel, manage management, and increase profitability”, actively organize the production and sales of marketable products, and do everything possible to overcome the impact of market weakness and increase and decrease, and earnestly implement them. Losses and losses increase measures, efforts to increase profits, reduce losses, and better completed the provincial people’s government in early 1998 proposed various objectives of loss reduction and profit increase. In 1998, the province’s independent accounting of state-owned industrial enterprises (including state-controlled enterprises) suffered a decrease of 2.2% from the previous year. The loss of loss-making enterprises accounted for 0.62% of the profits and taxes of all enterprises; the state-owned industrial enterprises suffered losses within local budgets. The amount of the previous year