我们所说的“自说自话”现象,原有两层意思:一是指代际间的沟通障碍。成人社会在教化青少年时,固守多少有些过时的“话语权威”,而青少年却沉浸在自身的“话语氛围”之中,致使双方“各说各的话”,相互无法沟通与理解。从这一意义上说,“自说自话”现象在当今社会确实存在,但“话语代沟”呈现在两代人之间,成人社会需作更多的反省。二是指来自成人社会对青少年的一种困惑或指责。在一些成人眼中,当今青少年“满嘴新词”,“领时尚之风骚”,是“自说自话”、“各行其是”、 难以教化的一代。对此,则需要做些分析和澄清。本刊本期的“特别企划”,正是侧重于这一困惑与指责,试图从社会学、语言学、文化学的角度,对所谓的青少年“自说自话”现象予以解密。
What we mean by “self-talking” phenomenon has two meanings: One is the communication barrier between generations. In adulthood, adults tend to stick to somewhat outdated “discourse authorities,” while adolescents are immersed in their own “discourse atmosphere,” causing both parties to “speak each other” and can not communicate and understand each other. In this sense, “self-talk” phenomenon does exist in our society today, but “discourse gap” is between two generations and adult society needs more introspection. Second, from adult society, a kind of confusion or accusation of adolescents. In the eyes of some adults, today’s adolescent “mouthful of new words”, “leading the fashion trend” is “self-professed” and “go its own course” and difficult to enlightenment generation. In this regard, you need to do some analysis and clarification. This special edition of this issue focuses on this perplexity and accusation in an attempt to declassify so-called juvenile self-talk from the perspectives of sociology, linguistics and culture.