目的 使用自行设计改良的鼻泪管阻塞钻切术治疗慢性泪囊炎。方法 采用自制的环钻器等器械切除鼻泪管阻塞物,并置入自行设计的“Y”形网眼硅胶管防止再阻塞。结果 120眼中,术后3个月随访,109眼(90.83%)痊愈,4眼(3.33%)好转,7眼(5.84%)无效,总有效率94.16%,其中有50眼术后1~3年进行了随访观察,结果泪道冲洗通畅(含尚通畅)40眼(80%),不通畅10眼(20%)。结论 与传统的鼻泪管阻塞钻切术比较,近期、远期疗效均有极明显提高,(P<0.01);与泪囊鼻腔吻合术相比,有操作简单和易于掌握、推广,特别适用于农村医院的优点,故受到了基层及农村医师的欢迎。
Objective To improve the treatment of chronic dacryocystitis by modified nasolacrimal duct obstruction drilling. Methods A homemade ring drill and other instruments were used to remove the nasolacrimal duct obstruction and placed in a self-designed “Y” mesh silicone tube to prevent reocclusion. Results 120 cases were followed up for 3 months, 109 eyes (90.83%) were cured, 4 eyes (3.33%) improved, 7 eyes (5.84%) were ineffective, the total effective rate was 94.16% Years follow-up observation, results lacrimal duct irrigation patency (including still smooth) 40 (80%), unobstructed 10 (20%). Conclusion Compared with traditional nasolacrimal duct obstruction drilling, the long-term curative effect has been significantly improved in the short term (P <0.01). Compared with nasal dacryocystorhinostomy, it is simple and easy to grasp and popularize, especially suitable The advantages of rural hospitals, so by the grassroots and rural doctors welcome.