微波加热干燥物料与热空气加热的机理不同 ,微波加热对高水分粮食和具有坚硬外壳物料的干燥效果比热空气干燥效果好。国外有许多有关报导 ,并研制出大型粮食微波干燥机。国内有关资料很少 ,玉米、稻谷属于不易干燥的粮食品种 ,用微波炉对其进行干燥 ,实验结果表明 ,经微波加热后影响稻米品质的脱支酶其活力明显下降 ,而稻米的食用品质和糊化特性变化不大 ;稻谷、玉米微波干燥应采用低功率、长流程的干燥工艺 ,稻谷受热温度不超过 50℃ ,玉米受热温度不超过 55℃ (种子粮除外 ) ;利用高水分玉米对微波吸收量大、产生热量大的特点 ,与热风干燥进行组合 ,予热段采用微波加热可明显缩短加热时间 ,提高干燥效率
Microwave heating and drying of materials and hot air heating mechanism is different from microwave heating for high moisture food and hard shell material drying effect is better than the hot air drying. There are many foreign reports, and developed a large food microwave dryer. Few domestic data, corn, rice is not easy to dry food varieties, with a microwave oven to dry it, the experimental results show that after microwave heating affect the quality of rice debranching enzyme its activity decreased significantly, and rice edible quality and paste Low temperature drying process should be used for rice and corn microwave drying, the heating temperature of rice should not exceed 50 ℃, the heating temperature of corn should not exceed 55 ℃ (except seed grain); the microwave absorption of high moisture corn Large amount of heat generated large features, combined with the hot air drying, preheating the use of microwave heating can significantly shorten the heating time and improve drying efficiency