Henry VIIIís Honeymoon
酒店由Luxury Family Hotels持有,店里特色鲜明的“家外之家”服务正是该酒店集团的拿手好戏。最近,桑伯里古堡被评为全球十大度蜜月古堡之一,古堡恢弘壯丽,格调不凡,却也舒适而悠然,历经500年的历史岁月洗礼,本色不退。1535年,亨利八世与安娜·波莲卿卿我我度蜜月时,到格罗斯特郡的桑伯里古堡小住十日。然时日不久之后,他们不再如胶似漆,关系迸裂恶化。尽管如此,桑伯里仍旧是皇家爱侣的浪漫去处,声名经久不衰。
大堂吧里摆设着丰裕的威尔顿地毯、舒适的软皮垫沙发,手持一本好书或啜饮一杯古堡特有的美味下午茶,逃遁至此自得其乐,感觉完美得有点失真。花园用围墙隔起,吐芳纳蕊,在里面散散步,品味着闲云野鹤的日子。酒店甚至自建葡萄园,种植Muller Thurgau和Phoenix葡萄。
Now under the ownership of Luxury Family Hotels, it offers the characteristic 'home from home' service for which the group is renowned.Thornbury Castle has recently been voted one of the Top 10 castles in the world to spend a Honeymoon and its relaxed feel ensures that guests can enjoy this magnificent hotel in comfort and style, surrounded by 500 years of history.In 1535, while in the midst of their honeymoon tour, Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn spent ten days at Thornbury Castle in Gloucestershire. Shortly thereafter, their relationship soured (to put it mildly). But despite this, Thornbury has long retained its reputation as the romantic abode of the royal couple.
Rich Wilton carpets and comfortable sofas with soft feather cushions can be found in the lounges, just perfect for escaping to with a good book or enjoying one of Thornbury Castle's delicious afternoon teas. There are beautiful walled gardens to stroll round and the hotel even has its own vineyard producing Muller Thurgau and Phoenix grapes.Now under the ownership of Luxury Family Hotels, it offers the characteristic 'home from home' service for which the group is renowned.
酒店由Luxury Family Hotels持有,店里特色鲜明的“家外之家”服务正是该酒店集团的拿手好戏。最近,桑伯里古堡被评为全球十大度蜜月古堡之一,古堡恢弘壯丽,格调不凡,却也舒适而悠然,历经500年的历史岁月洗礼,本色不退。1535年,亨利八世与安娜·波莲卿卿我我度蜜月时,到格罗斯特郡的桑伯里古堡小住十日。然时日不久之后,他们不再如胶似漆,关系迸裂恶化。尽管如此,桑伯里仍旧是皇家爱侣的浪漫去处,声名经久不衰。
大堂吧里摆设着丰裕的威尔顿地毯、舒适的软皮垫沙发,手持一本好书或啜饮一杯古堡特有的美味下午茶,逃遁至此自得其乐,感觉完美得有点失真。花园用围墙隔起,吐芳纳蕊,在里面散散步,品味着闲云野鹤的日子。酒店甚至自建葡萄园,种植Muller Thurgau和Phoenix葡萄。
Now under the ownership of Luxury Family Hotels, it offers the characteristic 'home from home' service for which the group is renowned.Thornbury Castle has recently been voted one of the Top 10 castles in the world to spend a Honeymoon and its relaxed feel ensures that guests can enjoy this magnificent hotel in comfort and style, surrounded by 500 years of history.In 1535, while in the midst of their honeymoon tour, Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn spent ten days at Thornbury Castle in Gloucestershire. Shortly thereafter, their relationship soured (to put it mildly). But despite this, Thornbury has long retained its reputation as the romantic abode of the royal couple.
Rich Wilton carpets and comfortable sofas with soft feather cushions can be found in the lounges, just perfect for escaping to with a good book or enjoying one of Thornbury Castle's delicious afternoon teas. There are beautiful walled gardens to stroll round and the hotel even has its own vineyard producing Muller Thurgau and Phoenix grapes.Now under the ownership of Luxury Family Hotels, it offers the characteristic 'home from home' service for which the group is renowned.