2001年 12月 12日,中国科学技术期刊编辑学会2001年度学术年会及第二届“金牛奖”、“银牛奖”颁奖大会在北京隆重举行。大会给72名德艺双馨的资深编辑颁发了“金牛奖”,给313名优秀编辑颁发了“银牛奖”。《湖南农业大学学报》熊楚才主编是湖南科技期刊编
December 12, 2001, China Science and Technology Journal Editorial Association 2001 Annual Meeting and the second “Taurus”, “Silver Cattle Award” award ceremony was held in Beijing. The conference awarded “Jinniu Prize” to 72 senior editors of Deyi Shuangxin and “Silver Bull Prize” to 313 outstanding editors. “Journal of Hunan Agricultural University” Xiong Chu editor Hunan science and Technology Journal