案情简介: 1985年5月24日,某汽车制造厂(以下简称甲方)和策咨询公司(该公司成立于1985年2月15日。其生产经营方式:咨询服务:生产营业范围主营:技术设计、企业生产、经营管理,技术引进及新产品开发咨询;兼营:企业管理人员和专业技术人员培训。以下简称乙方)签订了《驾驶室模具设计、制造任务承包协议书》。协议书规定:“甲方委托乙方设计并制造驾驶室主要零件:门面板(左右)、侧围、后立柱(左右、前围(三件组合)共九个零件,要求在8套复杂拉延模上实现成形;模具设计在满足产品质量、工艺要求的前提下.要求结构合理,机构完备,操作方便,使用寿命长为原则。模具设计图经甲方签字后,方可投入生产:模具的制造质量必须严格按××标准进行验收。如模具的材料、热处理规范、模具的制造精度与光洁度、模具的正常使用寿命等……冲压成形的零件,几何形状、尺寸达到图纸要求,
Case Description: On May 24, 1985, a car manufacturing plant (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and policy consulting company (the company was founded on February 15, 1985. Its production and operation methods: consulting services: production business scope Main: Technical design, enterprise production, operation management, technology introduction and new product development consultation;兼营: training of enterprise management personnel and professional and technical personnel.Hereinafter referred to as “Party B” has signed the “Contract mold design, manufacturing task contract agreement”. The agreement stipulates: “Party A entrusts Party B to design and manufacture the main parts of the cab: door panel (left and right), side wall, rear pillar (left and right, front wall (three parts), a total of nine parts, requiring 8 sets of complex drawing On the premise of satisfying product quality and process requirements, the mold design is based on the principle of reasonable structure, complete mechanism, convenient operation and long service life.The mold design drawing is signed by Party A before it can be put into production. Manufacturing quality must be strictly in accordance with XX standards for acceptance, such as mold material, heat treatment specifications, mold manufacturing precision and finish, the normal service life of the mold, etc.. Stamping parts, geometric shapes, dimensions meet the requirements of the drawings,