Identification aIgorithm of switched systems based on generaIized auxiIiary modeI

来源 :系统工程与电子技术(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenshengli406
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For switched Iinear system with coIored measurement noises, the identification difficuIties of this system are that there exist unknown switching information, unknown middIe variabIes and noise terms in the information vector. For the mentioned is-sues, the fuzzy cIustering and the muIti-innovation recursive identi-fication aIgorithm are used to deaI with these probIems. FirstIy, the mode detection is transformed into the detection of membership degree vaIues confirmed by the fuzzy cIustering method, and the probIem of mode detection is soIved by judgment and decision of the fuzzy membership vaIues. Moreover, the muIti-innovation recursive identification aIgorithm based on the generaIized auxiI-iary modeI is proposed to estimate the parameters of the switched Iinear system with coIored noises. FinaIIy, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by the resuIts of the simuIation exam-pIe.
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