Zhejiang is located in the southeastern coastal areas of our country. The market economy is first developed, the private economy is developed, and the economy is highly dependent on the rest of the world. The international financial crisis has not only seriously affected Zhejiang’s economy and people’s livelihood, but also caused many economic crimes. Zhejiang’s economic crimes have always been characterized by such features as increasing number of cases, increasing the amount involved, increasing the means of committing crimes, and aggravating the consequences. This shows the characteristics of originality, demonstration and regionalization. Influenced by the international financial crisis, the conflicts of interest and contradictions in Zhejiang’s economy have been aggravated sharply. Factors that have led to various types of economic crimes have been increasing. It is estimated that economic crimes in Zhejiang, especially the major economic ones, will continue at present and for a period to come Show multiple, high incidence of the situation.