当下小学英语教材中checkout time版块被很多教师解读为简单的复习版块教学,忽略单元情境主题和综合化的整体提升,根据新课标指示,小学英语学科的课程总目标为综合语用能力的提高,因此,作者在班级中进行实践课型研究,意在探索出适合学生的有效的checkout版块课型,帮助学生在“真实性”和“情境感”的教学活动中掌握相关技能,促进综合能力的提升。
The current primary school English textbooks checkout time section is interpreted by many teachers as a simple review section teaching, ignoring the theme of the unit context and the overall improvement of the overall, according to the new course standard, the primary goal of primary school English courses for comprehensive pragmatic competence Therefore, the author conducts a practical course study in a class, which is intended to explore an effective checkout course suitable for students and help students acquire relevant skills in teaching activities of “authenticity” and “situational feeling” , To promote the improvement of comprehensive ability.