陈皮(即橘皮),异名为贵老(侯宁极《药谱》)、黄橘皮(《鸡峰普济方》)、红皮(《汤液本草》)。本品为芸香科植物橘 Citrus reticuIataBlanco 及其栽培变种的干燥成熟果皮。气芳香,味苦、辛,性温,能理气、燥湿、化痰。陈皮中含有挥发油,具有行气、祛痰、平喘的作用。陈皮中有较高含量的陈皮甙 Hesperidin (亦称橙皮甙、橘皮甙),它具有维持血管正常渗透压、降低血管脆性、缩短流血时间等作用。临床上采用橙皮甙片、复方橙皮甙胶囊,用于治疗或预防心血管系统疾病,还可制成复方咳宁醇片,用于治疗急慢性支气管炎。所以挥发油与陈皮甙的含量多少,往往作为衡量陈皮质量的
Tangerine (namely orange peel), different name is Guilao (Hou Ningji “pharmaceutics”), yellow orange peel (“Chifeng Puji Fang”), red skin (“Dessert Materia Medica”). This product is a dry mature fruit of Citrus reticuIata Blanco and its cultivars. Aromatic, bitter, spicy, warm, able to qi, dampness, phlegm. Citrus contains volatile oil, with gas, phlegm, asthma. Tangerine has a high content of Hesperidin (also known as hesperidin, orange peel), which has the effect of maintaining the normal osmotic pressure of the blood vessels, reducing the brittleness of the blood vessels, and shortening the bleeding time. Clinically, orange peel tablets and compound orange peel capsules are used to treat or prevent diseases in the cardiovascular system. They can also be used as compound cough tablets for the treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis. Therefore, the volatile oil and the content of tangerine peel are often used as a measure of the quality of tangerine peel.