近年来由于内窥镜检查的应用,发现异尖线虫病达1859例,钻线虫病(Terranova)自作者于1972年报告以来已有160例。到目前为止,作者等取出虫体的患者有224例,其中钻线虫病60例,占全国统计数的1/3以上。此外作者尚遇到了极罕见的食道异尖线虫病。本文中作者将有关异尖线虫病及钻线虫病的临床作了报告。一、胃异尖线虫病和钻线虫病: 这两种线虫病的寄生部位虽遍及整个消化道,但以胃部受染最多,作者检出的224例中,即有218例(97.3%)是寄生于胃部的。现将记录完整的79例分析如下: 1.寄生部位:以胃体上部及中部大弯和前、后壁为多,然后依次为胃角部和胃窦部。
In recent years, 1859 cases of anisomycosis have been found due to the application of endoscopy and Terranova has been reported since its publication in 1972. So far, there are 224 patients who took out worms, including 60 cases of nematodes, accounting for more than 1/3 of the national total. In addition, the author has encountered extremely rare esophageal Anisodosis. In this paper, the authors report on ANA and rhizobium disease clinically. First, stomach anise nematode disease and nematode disease: Although the parasitic sites of these two kinds of nematode disease throughout the digestive tract, but the most infected stomach, the authors detected 224 cases, that is, 218 cases (97.3%) Parasitic in the stomach. The record is now complete analysis of 79 cases are as follows: 1. Parasitic sites: upper and middle gastric body curvature and the front and back, and more, followed by the corner of the stomach and stomach.