本苗圃成建于1980年,位于美丽的望儿山脚下,联合经营,拥有土地660 hm2左右,销售的苗木遍布全国各地,好评不断。恒大苗圃以诚信为本,以农户为主,共同致富的经营理念,欢迎各界人士前来参观洽谈,免费提供技术咨询。葡萄:红地球、巨峰、克伦生、粉红亚都蜜、奥古斯特、维多利亚、无核白鸡心、秋无核、秋黑、京亚、黄提、美人指、金手指、碧香无核、红巴拉多、黑巴拉多、阳光玫瑰、香悦、金星无核、红蜜、黄意大利、新疆无核白、茉莉香、寒香蜜、蜜汁、巨玫瑰、夕阳红、状元红、贝达苗、各种酿酒葡萄。
The nursery was founded in 1980, at the foot of the beautiful Wang children, joint operation, with about 660 hm2 of land sales of seedlings throughout the country, praised. Evergrande Nursery in good faith-based, farmers-based, co-rich business philosophy, are welcome to come to visit the public to negotiate free technical advice. Grapes: Red Earth, Kyoho, Karen, Pink Yadung honey, August, Victoria, Seedless White Chicken Heart, Autumn Seedless, Autumn Black, Jingya, Yellow, Beauty Finger, Goldfinger, , Red Barreto, Black Barrado, Sunshine Rose, Fragrance, Venus Seedless, Red Honey, Yellow Italy, Xinjiang Seedless, Jasmine, Hanxiang Honey, Jujube Rose, Sunset Red, , Pui Miao, all kinds of wine grapes.