1986年12月,我们检测了口腔科门诊拔牙患者的拔牙创血及唾液中乙型肝炎病毒五项标志物(H BVM):即HBsAg、抗—HBs、抗—H Bc、H BeAg、抗—H Be。现将其结果及分析报告如下。一般资料采集50例口腔科门诊拔牙患者的拔牙创血及唾液。50例患者中,男性23例,女性27例。年龄最大者77岁,最小者8岁,平均年龄44.4岁。有肝炎病史者2例,有接触史者3例。平均拔牙数1.18个。拔牙前先用注射器抽取唾液2ml。常规局麻拔牙。病牙拔除后,在牙槽窝周围隔湿,避免唾液进入拔牙创内。用另一注射器从拔牙创底抽取渗血2—3ml,放入试管,
In December 1986, we tested five markers of hepatitis B virus (HBVM), including HBsAg, anti-HBs, anti-H Bc, H BeAg, anti- H Be. Now the results and analysis report is as follows. General data collection of 50 cases of dental extraction of patients with dental extraction of blood and saliva. Among the 50 patients, 23 were male and 27 were female. The oldest is 77 years old, the youngest is 8 years old and the average is 44.4 years old. There are 2 cases of hepatitis history, history of exposure in 3 cases. The average tooth extraction number 1.18. Extraction of saliva 2ml before using a syringe. Conventional Bureau Ma tooth extraction. After the extraction of diseased teeth, the alveolar fossa around the wet, to avoid saliva into the tooth extraction. With another syringe pulled from the bottom of the tooth extraction bleeding 2-3ml, into the test tube,