如果你不能拥有软陶饰品,你还能有什么呢?你若送给她黄金饰品,她会说你平庸;你若送给她钻石饰品,她会说你奢侈;但是,你若送一套软陶饰品给她,她会说.软陶恒久远,一串永流传。 如果有人问你眼下本城女子最“IN”的饰品是什么?如果你思忖再三仍然回答不出“软陶”这个答案,这只能说明你是一个缺乏时尚触角的人。因为只要你稍稍留意就会发现,在我们身边,越来越多的时尚女子已经把软陶饰品作为她们的至爱,项链、手链、耳环、胸针、发夹……不一而足,鲜亮的色彩、温润的质地,再加上各种随心的形状,“软陶饰品”成了本季女孩子颈边耳畔最为抢眼的风景。软陶的出现不仅满足了我们的“手工DIY”情结,为自己烧制小饰品的那份快乐更是无法言说———因为你可以拥有独一无二的配饰,而这配饰的颜色和形状甚至可以和你某件衣服上的一朵小花遥相呼应。文:宁宁
If you can not have a soft clay jewelry, what else can you do? If you give her gold jewelry, she would say you are mediocre; if you give her diamond jewelry, she would say you extravagant; however, if you send a set She will say soft clay ornaments, soft clay forever, a bunch of forever. If someone asks you what is the most “IN” jewelry in town, if you think over and over again, you can not answer the question of “soft clay”, this only shows that you are a person who lacks the fashion tentacles. Because as long as you pay close attention to you will find that in our side, more and more fashionable women have the soft clay jewelry as their favorite, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, brooches, hairpins ... and so forth, bright Color, moist texture, coupled with a variety of heart shape, “Ruanjiao jewelry” has become the most eye-catching this season, the edge of the girl’s ears on the edge of the landscape. The appearance of soft clay not only satisfies our “DIY handmade” complex, the pleasure of burning the trinkets for yourself is beyond words - because you can have unique accessories, and the color and shape of the accessories can even A flower on your piece of clothing echoes. Text: Ningning