Combined and synergistic effects of climate change and urbanization on water quality in the Wolf Bay

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maomao0464
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This study investigated potential changes in flow,total suspended solid (TSS) and nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorous) loadings under future climate change,land use/cover (LULC) change and combined change scenarios in the Wolf Bay watershed,south Alabama,USA.Four Global Circulation Models (GCMs) under three Special Report Emission Scenarios (SRES) of greenhouse gas were used to assess the future climate change (2016-2040).Three projected LULC maps (2030) were employed to reflect different extents of urbanization in future.The individual,combined and synergistic impacts of LULC and climate change on water quantity/quality were analyzed by the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT).Under the climate change only scenario,monthly distribution and projected variation of TSS are expected to follow a patt similar to streamflow.Nutrients are influenced both by flow and management practices.The variation of Total Nitrogen (TN) and Total Phosphorous (TP) generally follow the flow trend as well.No evident difference in the N:P ratio was projected.Under the LULC change only scenario,TN was projected to decrease,mainly due to the shrinkage of croplands.TP will increase in fall and winter.The N:P ratio shows a strong decreasing potential.Under the combined change scenario,LULC and climate change effect were considered simultaneously.Results indicate that if future loadings are expected to increase/decrease under any individual scenario,then the combined change will intensify that trend.Conversely,if their effects are in opposite directions,an offsetting effect occurs.Science-based management practices are needed to reduce nutrient loadings to the Bay.
梨树原产于中国 ,经济栽培已有 4 0 0 0多年的历史。起源于我国的栽培品种多达 30 0 0余个 ,在生产中应用的有百个以上。梨树适应性广 ,具有耐旱、耐涝、耐瘠薄和耐盐碱能力
近年来,国家发改委等部委针对中小企业相继出台了、、、 及30余个配套文件、中央和地方政府废止和6000文件与现有精神不一致的规章和文件,中小企业健康发展的社会氛围正在逐
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