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20世纪以来,出土了大批楚国青铜器,其中在数量众多的器物上刻有铭文,总字数已超过万计。这是研究楚国历史、文化的极其宝贵的资料,也是研究楚文学之渊源的重要途径。本文从四个方面对此进行研究与探索:1.从吴雷窼铭文和楚墓祭祀竹简,对照司马迁在《史记·楚世家》中有关楚族世系的记叙,可以厘清楚族之渊源。2.出土青铜器中有七篇文字较长的铭文,它们句式齐整,符合诗经的韵律,可视为楚诗作品。它反映楚文学自觉承继中原文学之传统,有着深厚的中原文化底蕴。3.出土的楚国青铜器铭文,其字体在不同时期有不同的风格,大体上在春秋中期之前与中原无异,春秋中后期出现了作为装饰目的的鸟虫书,但使用并不普遍。4和楚国的发展相一致,楚青铜器物造形,也经历了从模仿到逐渐形成自身特点的过程。但总体而言,楚贵族大体一直坚持周礼所规定的礼制,表明对于周文化也即中原文化的认同。 Since the 20th century, a large number of Chu nationalities have been unearthed, among which inscriptions are inscribed on a large number of objects and the total number of words has exceeded 10,000. This is an extremely valuable piece of information for studying the history and culture of Chu and an important way for studying the origin of Chu literature. This paper studies and explores the research from four aspects: 1. From the bamboo slips of Wu Lei 窼 inscriptions and the tomb of Chu were compared with Sima Qian’s narration of the Chu lineage in “Records of the Historian Chu” to clarify the origin of the Chu clan. 2.  unearthed bronze in seven inscriptions of longer inscriptions, they are neat sentences, in line with the rhythm of the Book of Songs, can be regarded as Chu poetry works. It reflects Chu literature consciously inherit the tradition of the Central Plains literature, has a profound cultural heritage in the Central Plains. 3. unearthed Chu inscriptions of the bronze, the fonts in different periods have different styles, generally no different from the Central Plains before the Spring and Autumn Period, the middle and late Spring and Autumn appeared as a decorative birdworm book, but the use is not universal. 4) Consistent with the development of the Chu Kingdom, Chu bronze artifacts have also undergone a process of gradually forming their own characteristics from imitation. Overall, however, the aristocrats in Chu always adhered to the ritual stipulated by Zhou Li, indicating their approval of the culture of the Central Plains that is the Central Plains culture.
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目的通过回顾性分析对比低位直肠癌患者接受腹腔镜下经括约肌外腹会阴联合切除术(Laparoscopic extralevator abdominoperineal resection, L-ELAPR)中进行或不进行盆底腹膜
本文以语篇衔接理论为依据,以萨克雷(William Makepeace Thackeray)的作品V anity Fair和杨必所译的汉译本《名利场》前六章内容为语料,通过对比分析英汉语言中语篇衔接手段的特