患者女,26岁,住院号80—607。反复“抽风”多次,于1980年4月8日入院。 2天前行路途中突然感到特殊的心难受,手足麻木,随即跌倒人事不省。醒后感觉头晕、恶心、周身无力。次日连续昏倒十余次,每次几分钟到十几分钟不等。近两年来类似发作近十次,多因生气、着急、过劳等起病。平素无其他疾病,否认服过任何药品。家族中二姐从16岁起有明确的相似病史,二子健在。查体:体温36.3℃,脉搏100次/分,血压120/90毫米汞柱,听力正常。颈软,浅淋巴结、甲状腺不大,心肺无异常。全腹无压痛,肝脾未扪及。病理反射未引出。
Female patient, 26 years old, hospital number 80-607. Repeated “ventilation” many times, in April 8, 1980 admission. 2 days ago on the road suddenly felt a special heart uncomfortable, numb hands and feet, then fall unconscious. Awake feeling dizzy, nausea, whole body weakness. The next day fainted more than ten consecutive times, every few minutes to ten minutes. In the past two years, a similar attack nearly ten times, mostly due to anger, anxiety, overwork and other diseases. Usually no other diseases, denied taking any medicine. Second sister in the family has a clear similar history since the age of 16, two sons alive. Physical examination: body temperature 36.3 ℃, pulse 100 beats / min, blood pressure 120/90 mm Hg, normal hearing. Neck soft, light lymph nodes, thyroid is not large, no abnormal heart and lung. No abdominal pain, no palpable liver and spleen. Pathological reflex did not lead.