随着我国人口逐步进入老年社会 ,男性老年患者的常见病良性前列腺增生症 (BPH)的发病率也逐年增加 ,有资料统计普遍发生于 5 0岁左右的男性 ,并随着年龄增加而上升[1] 。为此众多学者致力于BPH的发病机理与治疗研究。法国利博福尼制药公司生产的通尿灵 (Tadenan)
With the population gradually entering the elderly in our country, the prevalence of common benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in male elderly patients also increases year by year. There are statistics that generally occur in men aged 50 and increased with age [ 1] . To this end, many scholars devoted themselves to the pathogenesis and treatment of BPH. France’s Le Bonfigyrie pharmaceutical company produced by the urine (Tadenan)