克服心理障碍 提高辨析能力

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一、审题中的心理障碍 审题是学生依据所学知识去解决同类问题的前提,是做好辨析题的重要因素。由于辨析题的题目具有很强的思辨性,没有固定的模式,它的类型已由单纯肯定和否定,否定中有肯定,发展到有条件的肯定和否定,多角度的肯定和否定。从总体上看题目都有不完整、不全面、不完善的地方,需要用辩证的观点认真辨析,但这一阶段的高中学生由于抽象逻辑思维尚未成熟,受知识掌握的局限,对政治的知识点、原理掌握不深刻,记不住,加上考前一些学生把高考看得过重,压力大,心情紧张,焦虑的心理使学生临场思维活动受到干扰和阻碍,这一心理障碍产生的审题失误有:①弄错题意,误解题目中的条件和要求。②虽了解题意,但未能利用条件,抓住题眼(关键词语),造成知识迁移不 I. Mental Disorders in the Examination Question Examination questions are prerequisites for students to solve similar problems based on what they have learned, and they are important factors in making a good analysis. Since the title of the analysis question has a strong speculative nature, there is no fixed model. Its type has been confirmed by simple affirmation and negation, affirmation by negation, development to conditional affirmation and negation, and multi-angle affirmation and negation. In general, the topics are incomplete, incomplete, and imperfect, and they need to be discriminated and analyzed carefully. However, the students of high school at this stage are limited by the knowledge and knowledge of politics because they are not yet mature. Points, principles are not mastered, can not remember, coupled with some students in the exam before the college entrance examination overemphasized, stress, nervous, anxious psychology students on-the-spot thinking activities are disturbed and hindered, the psychological obstacles produced by the trial Mistakes: 1 misunderstood questions, misunderstanding the conditions and requirements of the title. 2 Although they understand the meaning of the questions, they failed to use the conditions to seize the title of the eye (key words) and caused the knowledge to migrate
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