患者男性,26岁,江西人。因被“毒蛇咬伤10小时,呼吸停止1小时”入院。患者10小时前被银环蛇咬伤右手拇指,当即用口吸祛伤口毒液,并在当地医院予局部封闭,捆扎右上臂,并以地塞米松(10mg)滴注处理,但诉伤口及口唇麻木、视物模糊、复视,转我院急诊。经予季德胜蛇药片10片顿服及对症处理。6小时前出现胸闷,呼吸费力,声音嘶哑,吞咽困难,并渐加重。2小时前出现排尿困难,予留置导尿。1小时前因呼吸肌麻痹致呼吸停止,予气管插管,人工气囊辅助呼吸而转入ICU科。发病来患者神志一直清晰。入院后,予呼吸机辅助呼吸,给予激素(20mg iv q 12 h)减轻组织损害,
Male patient, 26 years old, Jiangxi. Because of “snake bites 10 hours, breathing stopped for 1 hour ” admission. The patient was bitten by the ring snake right hand thumb 10 hours ago, immediately with oral inhalation wounds venom, and in the local hospital to partially closed, tied the right upper arm and dexamethasone (10mg) infusion, but the wounds and lips Numbness, blurred vision, diplopia, turn our emergency room. After the season wins wins snake tablets 10 Dayton clothing and symptomatic treatment. Chest tightness 6 hours before, exhaled, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, and gradually heavier. 2 hours ago dysuria, catheterization catheter. One hour ago due to respiratory muscle paralysis caused by respiratory arrest, endotracheal intubation, artificial airbags assisted breathing into the ICU Section. The patient’s consciousness has always been clear. Admission to the ventilator-assisted breathing, given hormones (20mg iv q 12 h) to reduce tissue damage,