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协调是管理的一项重要职能,也是办公室的一项重要职责。司令部办公室作为首长的办事机构和机关的综合部门,有着与地方党政机关秘书部门同样的职能和作用,担负着军事行政工作有关情况的综合、传递信息、承办文电、计划安排、组织会议以及内外宾接待等任务。军事工作的特殊性,对办公室工作的时效性、准确性、保密性、协调性等方面都提出了更加严格的要求。特别是在部队调整精简和发展社会主义市场经济新形势下,内地省军区机关人员减少,部队教育训练和民兵、预备役工作任务更为繁重,社会性工作日趋频繁,军地之间、机关各部门之间以及处室之间的协调事务明显增多,协调工作越来越显得重要。因此,办公室必须紧紧围绕党委、 Coordination is an important function of management and an important responsibility of the office. The office of the headquarters as the head office and the comprehensive department of the office have the same functions and functions as the secretarial departments of the local party and government organs. They are responsible for the synthesis and transmission of information on the military administration and for the contracting of telegrams, planning arrangements and organization of meetings As well as the reception of foreign guests and other tasks. The particularity of military work puts forward more stringent requirements on the timeliness, accuracy, confidentiality and coordination of office work. Especially in the new situation in which the armed forces readjust and streamline the socialist market economy, the number of military personnel in the provinces and the military authorities in the interior has decreased. The tasks of education, training, militia and reserve work in the armed forces have become even more arduous. Social work has become increasingly frequent. Coordination matters between departments and offices have obviously increased, and coordination becomes more and more important. Therefore, the office must closely around the party committee,
本着“安全第一、预防为主”的安全生产方针,对80年钻孔充水原因进行科学合理的分析总结,针对其预防措施提出科学方法。 In the “safety first, prevention first” princi
关于秘书工作参谋作用的问题,虽说不是新议题,但专题研究它的还不多。近年来,秘书期刊先后发表了几篇这种专题文章,我拜读后受到了启发,趁此机会谈点自己的看法。 Although