编辑同志: 前一阵我们曾有机会观看了电影《兵临城下》及《战火中的青春》,深为在两片中分别饰副官和排长的庞学勤同志的表演所打动。他的动作是那样的合情合理,合乎时代,特别在《战》中把排长的性格刻画得活龙活现,我们仿佛置身其中,亲历其事,忘记了是在看电影。我们认为这才是真正的演员,这才叫寓美于真实中。为此,我们很想知道饱从影的经过,更希望在贵刊中看到对他的专访记,从中了解他的近况
Editing Comrades: In the past we had a chance to watch the movie “Soldiers on the City” and “Youth in War”, deeply impressed by the performance of Comrade Pang Xueqin, aide and a platoon leader, on each of the two films. His action is so fair and reasonable, in keeping with the times, especially in the “war” placings of the characterization vividly portrayed, we seem to be among them, witnessed the incident, forget that watching a movie. We think this is the real actor, this is the beauty in the real. For this reason, we would like to know the passage of full shadow and hope to see an interview with him in your magazine to understand his current situation