本文收集了我院1955年至1982年28年间因自杀住院的部分病历,计216份。一、一般情况这些病历经整理,具有如下一些特点: 1.自杀年份:1969年以前每年发生的例数基本稳定,在5例上下波动。而1969年之后逐年增多,1980年明显增多,达23例,在本组中为最高峰。但是1981年与1982年自杀住院的人数直线下降,虽然大幅度下降,但仍未降至十年动乱前的水平。 2.性别:本组病人中男性为95例,
This article collects 216 cases of partial medical records of suicide hospitalization from 1955 to 1982 in our hospital. First, the general situation The medical records have been organized, has the following characteristics: 1. Suicide year: the number of cases occurred before 1969 each year basically stable, fluctuating in 5 cases. After 1969, it increased year by year and markedly increased in 1980, reaching 23 cases, the highest in this group. However, the number of suicide hospitalizations in 1981 and 1982 plummeted. Although it dropped drastically, it has not dropped to the pre-crisis levels. 2. Gender: The group of males in 95 patients,