东汉建安三年,南阳郡伤寒流行,死人甚多。那些日子,育水两岸真可谓是村村闻哭声,户户添新坟,惨极了。 南阳郡太守的夫人和儿子也染上了此病,生命垂危。心急如焚的太守便贴出告示:谁能救命,赏银千两。然而,郡内名医却不敢应召,而最终揭下告示的,却是两位胆大包天之人,一位是名噪宛城的大巫师况融;另一位则是名不见经传的小郎中张仲景。太守当即召见了他们,捋着山羊胡子先向大巫师发问:“伤寒是绝症,你能治?”披发飘然,身着八卦衣的况融阴阳怪气地一笑:“伤寒乃天庭逃出之魔,我乃奉命追杀之神。凡病者贴了我的神符,吃了我的神丹,听子我的神咒,三五日自会驱魔消灾。”狡黠的太守眨巴着小眼睛将信将疑,转而又向张仲景问道:“诊治绝症,非凡人所能为,你行吗?”斯文儒雅的张仲景施了一礼:“依晚生之见,伤寒并非绝症,更非妖魔缠身,乃是阴阳不调,内伤外感所致。若能勤求古训,博采众方,因人而异,辩证施治,则疑病可解,恶疾可除。”太守惊异地望着面前
Jianan three years in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Nanyang County typhoid epidemic, many dead. In those days, both sides of the water-well could be described as village cries and coffins. Every household has added a new grave, so miserable. Nanyang County Prefecture wife and son also contracted the disease, dying. Distraught eunuchs will be posted notices: Who can save lives, reward silver 1000. However, famous doctors in the county were afraid to call them, and the final announcement was two daring people, one being a big wizard who had a reputation for the city, the other being a little-known little Lang middleman Zhang Zhongjing. The prefect summoned them immediately, with a goatee first asked the Great Wizards: “Typhoid fever is terminally ill, you can cure?” Phi floating in the air, dressed in gossip clothing melted yin and yang strange smile: “typhoid is heaven escape from the magic, I was ordered to kill God .Where the patient posted my symbol, eat my God Dan, listen to my magic spell, will be exorcism on the 30th disaster. ”Sly chief of wih winking little eyes The letter doubts, in turn asked Zhang Zhongjing: “Diagnosis and treatment of terminal illness, extraordinary people can do, are you OK?” The refined gentleman Zhang Zhongjing gave a gift: “According to late life opinion, typhoid fever is not a deadly disease, Yin and yang does not transfer, internal injuries caused by external sense .If Qinqiuquxun, Bocaizhongfang, varies from person to person, dialectical treatment, the disease can be resolved, evil disease can be removed. ”Too surprised and looked in front of