为了节省能源、国内外很重视研究和试验锅炉、加热炉燃油掺水乳化新技术。据有关资料介绍国外取得了较好的节油效果。国内也在试验推广这项新技术,也取得了一定节油效果,目前世界各国关于燃油掺水乳化技术的实验报告和论文也很多,理论分析见解纷纭。对此笔者从实践和理论两方面做一些初探。一、国内外应用掺水乳化燃油的效果: 据有关资料介绍美、日、英等国应用掺水乳化燃料油时、掺水率在20~30%乳化工
In order to save energy, domestic and foreign attach great importance to the research and test of boilers, furnace fuel oil emulsification of new technologies. According to the information introduced abroad has made a better fuel economy. At home, experiments and popularization of this new technology are also made, and some fuel-saving effects have also been achieved. At present, there are many experimental reports and dissertations on the technology of oil-water-blending emulsification all over the world. There are many divergent opinions in theoretical analysis. In this regard, I do some research from two aspects of practice and theory. First, the domestic and international application of water emulsified fuel effect: According to the information on the United States, Japan, Britain and other countries using water emulsified fuel oil, the water content of 20 to 30% of the emulsion