犹如人的经历会改变人的性格一样,民族的经历也会改变民族的性格。50多年前,日本帝国主义依仗其发达的经济基础上产生的军事力量,轻易地攻占了中国的东北、华北。中国几千年封建历史形成的不利于发展的民族心理,在侵略者面前充分暴露了严重缺陷;几千年封建专制压迫下形成的逆来顺受的懦弱的国民性格,被日本法西斯强悍的铁蹄凌辱到了极端,终于忍无可忍,触发了全民族奋起抗战的激情和社会心理与民族性格的巨变。从1931年“九一八”事变开始到1945年8月,历经14年艰难苦斗,中国人民终于同世界人民一起勇敢地打败了法西斯日本强盗。 这期间,民族的社会心理得到了有力
Just as human experience changes one’s personality, national experiences also change the character of the nation. More than 50 years ago, the Japanese imperialists easily captured the northeast and north China of China on the basis of the military power generated by their developed economy. The national psychology unfavorable to development formed by the several thousand years of feudal history in China fully exposed the serious flaws in front of the aggressors. The cowardly national character formed by thousands of years of oppression by the feudal autocracy was abused by the powerful fascists of Japan’s fascists to the extreme , Finally intolerable, triggered the passion of the entire nation to rise from the war of resistance and the tremendous changes in social psychology and national character. From the beginning of the “September 18” incident in 1931 to August 1945, after 14 years of hard struggle, the Chinese people finally bravely defeated the fascist Japanese robbers with the people of the world. During this period, the social psychology of the nation gained strength