Analysis of Misreading Private Photography

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  Abstract:Private photography has not been understood by the public since its inception,and many people mistake it for erotic photos.At the time of the development of private photography,it is particularly important to clarify the relationship between flesh and pornography,strangeness and familiarity in private photography.Through the research and exploration of South Golding,Araki,and other private photographers,this paper analyzes and sorts out the reasons for misreading since the development of selfish photography from the perspective of people’s voyeurism and familiarity with familiar things.
  Keywords:private photography;peeping;familiar;strange
  Most people’s understanding of private photography is wrong.The reason may come from the originator of private photography.Whether it is South Golding or Araki,the most prominent element in their works is the body,even violence,sex.And death.Although with the improvement of people’s cultural quality and the popularity of art and the appreciation of art,everyone has a correct understanding of private photography,but until now,there are still many misreadings of private photography.South Golding’s camera opens up the most private moments and states of humanity,and opens up the desire of humans to peep into privacy.
  First,the premise of the creation of “private photography” - the strangeness to familiar things
  Private photography works to show the incomprehensible aspects of familiar things,the familiar face of incredible things.People feel that the characters and events that appear in the photos are both familiar and unfamiliar.Private photography is a process of “defamiliarization” of “reality.” Long Island has a self-portrait to record changes in the body during pregnancy and in the first time,including some relaxing photos that she took when she was at home or in the car,the way her friends and friends kissed,and the friends smirked.At the time,everyone indulges in a way of arrogance,and these familiar moments are taken into the camera by her.But when shooting these photos,she had to take a step back.When she was slightly at a distance from these familiar things,the objective position and calm observation would be revealed from the photos.When we all look at these photos,they are all standing at the same angle as Long Island.The familiar things are in front of us.The distance and objective position make us feel strange to them.
  Araki was also shooting familiar and ordinary things.He photographed his new marriage trip and the daily life of his wife,Yoko.In the different environments,Yoko,the viewer will think of the familiar life that he is familiar with.The charm of private photography is that it can give the viewer a strong and lasting interest in things that are completely certain and familiar.The content of the photos gives the viewer a certain degree of familiarity.They can find and exist in the process of watching the photography.A similar or identical memory point in the mind,but when the mood is too complicated and unstable,the strangeness will arouse everyone’s desire to explore and reflect on familiar things,re-recognize feelings and things,and thus be able to understand and photography can defamiliarize familiar things,and the works infect people with vitality.   Second,the reason for the misreading of “private photography” is traced back - voyeurism.Traditional photography and culture have always suppressed the desire for the body.In this paradox environment of “talking about nude change”,South Golding took a photo of her boyfriend’s face and swollen it and showed it to him.When I was given to the world,everyone’s curiosity and voyeurism were ignited by her numb expression,the face covered with black and bruised.The 11-year-old sister committed suicide.
  The mad desire of reality,the love of the newlywed wife,the doubts and doubts about marriage,and his desire to interpret the inner nature of the woman in the photo through the characters,the environment and the objects in the photo.People can’t tell the difference between the “sex” with strong attraction in private photography and the ordinary erotic pictures,but it greatly satisfies the inner voyeurism.In fact,Araki’s works reflect the daily beauty of ordinary life,the people around him and the roadside scenery.He uses the photos taken every day to determine the relationship between the self and the society and determine his position in society.And the relationship and feelings between him and Yoko.
  Private photography is not a tool for the media.When the heads of the party that attract people’s attention are appearing more and more,when most photographers are targeting the most popular social subjects at the time,private photography photographers do not appeal.
  Through the analysis of the development of private photography and the tracing of the reasons for misreading,we can deeply understand and correctly face it.Private photography is not only lust and body.It is a kind of personalized self-expression and communication means.It is the expression of photographer’s attitude towards life,questioning the meaning of life and developing thinking and criticism of society.It is not an art that is out of reach.This sense of distance should not exist.It is close to us.Private photography is in our lives.Every one of us lives in a colorful and unique way.Different,each person’s emotions and human care are irreproducible.Everyone can express a kind of cognition through an increasingly open private photography,convey a kind of information and sentiment,and show the uniqueness and uniqueness of their emotions.Sexuality,asserting one’s own values and sense of existence.
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