应该说:稍微懂得中国近代史的人,对庐山都有着一种复杂的感情,它既是一座秀美的风景胜地,同时又是一座政治山。从十九世纪中叶开始,中国百年间的历史与庐山顶上那一群别墅有着紧密的联系。1986年,著名的日本建筑大师黑川纪章说过这样一句令人回味的话:“在中国,很难找到一处像庐山这样以丰富的文化背景和美丽的自然环境并存的世界名胜。“庐山丰富的背景不光是指中西文化在此典型的汇合,同时,山顶上的别墅群也是近代中国历史嬗变的一面镜子。 《庐山别墅大观》这本书是从政治、文化、军事外交和建筑等诸多方面详细
It should be said: A person who has a good understanding of modern history in China has a complex feeling towards Lushan. It is both a beautiful scenic spot and a political hill at the same time. From the middle of the nineteenth century, the history of a hundred years in China has a close connection with the villas on the top of Lushan Mountain. In 1986, the famous Japanese architect Masao Kurokawa said something memorable: “In China, it is hard to find a world famous place like Lushan, with its rich cultural background and beautiful natural environment.” Lushan The rich background means not only the typical convergence of Chinese and Western cultures, but also the mirror of the evolution of modern Chinese history. “Lushan Villa Grand View” This book is from the political, cultural, military diplomacy and architecture, and many other aspects in detail