科技进步支撑高平奋力崛起 自主创新推动社会科学发展——高平市科学技术局

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近年来,高平市委、市政府坚持以科学发展观统领经济社会发展全局,大力实施“科教兴市”和“人才强市”战略,认真贯彻执行党在新时期的科技工作方针政策,以科技进步为支撑,科技创新为动力,使高平市的科技事业得到了长足发展。2006年科技对经济贡献率达47%,先后有6个项目被列为山西省“火炬”计划项目,4项被列入山西省“星火”计划项目。1项被列入国家成果推广项目,1项被列为国家首批星火计划龙头企业创新中心项目。科技进步带来了全市经济社会 In recent years, the Gaoping Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government adhere to the overall economic and social development guided by the scientific concept of development, vigorously implement the strategy of “revitalizing the city through science and education” and “strengthening the market through talent”, and earnestly implement the party's scientific and technological work policies in the new period , Taking scientific and technological progress as the support and scientific and technological innovation as the driving force, the science and technology in Gaoping City has made great strides. Science and technology contributed 47% of the economy to the economy in 2006, with 6 projects listed as “Torch” projects in Shanxi Province and 4 projects listed as “Spark” in Shanxi Province. One item was included in the national achievement promotion project and one item was listed as one of the first batch of national Spark project leading enterprise innovation center project. Scientific and technological progress has brought the city's economy and society
不可否认 ,在价值观与行为准则上 ,“三资”企业与现实社会有很大的差异。上班工作感受的是一种文化 ,走出企业融入社会、感受的又是另一种文化。对于这种文化上的跳跃 ,他们
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葫芦是一种蔓生植物,很多人把它分成两半当成水瓢,我们也来利用葫芦瓢画画装饰画。 创作过程: 首先,在葫芦瓢上先涂一层自己喜欢的颜色,注意颜色要涂均匀。(图1)第二步,构
1.“唧唧诺是蝙蝠王的孙子。”小飞马好象一下子就明白了。“他病了,因此蝙蝠王就很着急,对吗?”听见国王提到这件事,一直在兴致勃勃地禀报着的宰相哈里卞突然闭住了嘴。 2.
中小企业在推动经济增长、增加就业机会和保持经济发展的活力等方面的积极作用日益突出。有关数据显示, 60%的工业产值和 40%的实现利税源自中小企业, 75%的就业机会由中小企业提